We invite you to use this prayer as a way of uniting with our wider Solidarity Bridge community throughout Lent.
Read MoreIn some countries in Latin America, each day in the month of January is carefully scrutinized to predict the weather for the rest of the year. The practice of using the first days of the year to plan life-giving agricultural activities is known as the cabanuelas. Our first mission trip this year was filled with a broad array of organizational and medical activities. If the cabanuelas hold true for the work of Solidarity Bridge, the year 2017 promises to be a year of teaching, healing, equipping and deepening our spiritual practice and celebration.
Read MoreOn the Feast of the Epiphany, we share a reflection on the Journey of the Magi, and the five elements of a mission experience.
Read MoreIn 2016, US missioner Dr. Joseph Wu, an electrophysiologist from UCLA Medical Center, traveled to Santa Cruz to work alongside our Bolivian partners at San Juan de Dios Hospital. The trip helped to integrate St. Jude Medical, a new corporate donor, into our Pacemaker Program. Dr. Wu accompanied staff on home visits with patients and their families. Here are a few of their stories.
Read MoreMeister Eckhart wrote, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
On this Thanksgiving day, here are just a few of the many prayers of thanks from the Solidarity Bridge community. To each and every one of you who make this mission of healing and empowering possible, thank you!
Read MoreCasting Open the Doors of the Heart: Lessons Learned in a Jubilee Year of Mercy is a five-part blog series written by Mary McCann Sanchez, Senior Director of Programs. Part five grapples with mystery and knowing that life is more than a puzzle.
Read MoreCasting Open the Doors of the Heart: Lessons Learned in a Jubilee Year of Mercy is a five-part blog series written by Mary McCann Sanchez, Senior Director of Programs. Part four speaks of reawakening our consciences.
Read MoreCasting Open the Doors of the Heart: Lessons Learned in a Jubilee Year of Mercy is a five-part blog series written by Mary McCann Sanchez, Senior Director of Programs. Part three explores the power of contemplation.
Read MoreCasting Open the Doors of the Heart: Lessons Learned in a Jubilee Year of Mercy is a five-part blog series written by Mary McCann Sanchez, Senior Director of Programs. Part two explores life as a pilgrimage.
Read MoreCasting Open the Doors of the Heart: Lessons Learned in a Jubilee Year of Mercy is a five-part blog series written by Mary McCann Sanchez, Senior Director of Programs. Part One explores living out our faith through our daily work.
Read MoreEach time I passed Elia, I noted her friendly smile and eventually stopped for brief conversation. Her warm expression of support along with her calm and rooted demeanor, immediately melted my stress away.
Read MoreOur Benezet Intern, Gustavo, share his reflection at the end of the General Surgery Mission Trip. "Though this was my fifth mission with Solidarity Bridge, this week has been my first experience accompanying a general surgery team. Experiencing the operating room and the pace at which things function inside that room is quite a privilege."
Read MoreOur General Surgery Mission Trip has already completed seven surgeries in their first two days. Join us as we check in with them in Santa Cruz and learn more about the patients they will be serving this week.
Read MoreAs our Multi-Specialty Mission Trip ends, we reflect on our experiences and strive to turn our calling into a strong foundation.
Read MoreAs an organization rich in faith, we refer to those who travel with us as missioners. Today in our blog, we share a few reflections from our team in the midst of their mission experience.
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